15,924.16 tonnes
of CO2e captured so far, equivalent to:
We are pioneering sustainable cooling technology to meet the rising demand in our warming world.
Refrigerants are 2000x worse than CO2 on a pound-for-pound basis, with some gases trapping up to 10,900x as much heat as CO2.
Refrigerants account for 3 billion tonnes CO2 emissions per year. That's 6% of total global emissions!
Refrigerant management was ranked the #1 biggest climate solution by Project Drawdown in 2019, with 90 billion tonnes of preventable CO2e emissions by 2050.
Our platform coordinates an ecosystem of partners to perform lifecycle refrigerant management, promoting a circular economy while turning this environmental challenge into a sustainable solution.
of CO2e captured so far, equivalent to:
miles driven
gallons burned
trees planted
Our high-integrity carbon credits deliver a direct, measurable impact against climate change with revolutionary transparency. We track every gram of refrigerant that we keep out of the atmosphere on our digital platform, and when you buy our credits you can see exactly what you're getting.